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21 September 2022

The Australian Missile Corporation has welcomed its formal engagement as one of the inaugural Enterprise Partners to Australia’s Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise.

CEO Lee Goddard said the contract signing in Canberra represented an important step for the AMC supporting Defence’s establishment of the Enterprise.

The AMC was invited by the Commonwealth Government in April to work with Defence, two other Enterprise Partners, and two initial Strategic Partners, Lockheed Martin Australia and Raytheon Australia.

“Today marks another important milestone for the AMC,” Mr Goddard said.

“Since May last year the AMC has been preparing for what will be an exciting new era of defence capability.

“This agreement seals the AMC’s commitment to working with Defence, industry, and the other GWEO Enterprise Partners to deliver the GWEO Enterprise objectives across the short, medium and long-term planning horizons.”

Mr Goddard said the AMC’s collaboration platform had grown in recent months to now include more than 300 participants from the defence, innovation, academia and government sectors covering all required capabilities to ensure an Australian-focused, domestic industrial base can be mobilised.

“Since April we have added another 30 participants to the AMC platform who are now connected and committed to the GWEO Enterprise,” Mr Goddard said.

“This includes high-capability Australian SMEs and international companies who are at the forefront of world-leading systems and technology solutions as well as leading Australian academic institutions and several state and territory governments.

“The AMC brings a global ecosystem of experience ready to support Defence and the strategic partners on responding to the ADF’s needs.”

Mr Goddard said the war in Ukraine had reinforced how guided strike and defensive munitions are essential in modern conflict.

“In holding back Russia’s push, Ukrainian infantry forces have made effective use of allied-supplied guided weapons, but are challenging US and European GWEO supply chains,” said Mr Goddard who has first-hand experience as a former commanding officer of Royal Australian Navy warships.

“If there was any doubt about the importance of self-reliance, we only need to look at the conflict in eastern Europe.”

The AMC has recently embarked upon a nationwide recruitment campaign for a range of defence experts and skilled professionals, from guided weapons engineers to high-tech project managers and logistics specialists.

AMC Contract Signing pic 2022 09 20 22

MAJGEN Andrew Bottrell (Head of Land Systems) congratulates Australian Missile Corporation CEO Lee Goddard upon the signing of the Deed, engaging the AMC as a GWEO Enterprise partner.

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